• basic

  • $29

    per month
    Up to 1 Card

  • Contact Info
  • Services
  • Products
  • Social Links
  • Business Hours
  • Contactless NFC Tap
  • QRCode Internet
  • QRCode VCF
  • Save Card
  • Share Card
  • SnapShots
  • Testimonials
  • Appointments
  • Appointments Plus
  • Business Reviews
  • Video Reviews
  • Google Map
  • Google Reviews
  • Google WebStories
  • AI Basic Chat
  • 24x7 AI Agents
  • AI Automation
  • Private Info
  • PWA App
  • Web Proposal
  • Coupons
  • Spin2Win
  • Ticket Support
  • iWebStories
  • VideoWall
  • e-Shop
  • Mobile Payment Terminal
  • Sales and Invoice
  • Secure Channels
  • POS
  • CRM
  • AI Biz CardUp to 1
  • standard

  • $49

    per month
    Up to 3 Cards

  • Contact Info
  • Services
  • Products
  • Social Links
  • Business Hours
  • Contactless NFC Tap
  • QRCode Internet
  • QRCode VCF
  • Save Card
  • Share Card
  • SnapShots
  • Testimonials
  • Appointments
  • Appointments Plus
  • Business Reviews
  • Video Reviews
  • Google Map
  • Google Reviews
  • Google WebStories
  • AI Basic Chat
  • 24x7 AI Agents
  • AI Automation
  • Private Info
  • PWA App
  • Web Proposal
  • Coupons
  • Spin2Win
  • Ticket Support
  • iWebStories
  • VideoWall
  • e-Shop🔵 Add-on
  • Mobile Payment Terminal🔵 Add-on
  • Sales and Invoice🔵 Add-on
  • Secure Channels🔵 Add-on
  • POS🔵 Add-on
  • CRM🔵 Add-on
  • AI Biz CardUp to 3